
Pediatric Dentist in Dallas Says All Teeth Are NOT Created Equal

Pediatric Dentist in Dallas Says All Teeth Are NOT Created Equal

If you’re like many parents, seeing your child smile is the highlight of your day. But what you can’t tell just by looking is that those little pearly whites are significantly more vulnerable to cavities than your own. Given kids’ penchant for all things sweet and their still-developing oral hygiene habits, that can spell trouble. (more…)

Emergency Dentist in Dallas Gives Tips For 5 Common Emergencies!

If you’re a parent, you know that accidents are a part of childhood. Unfortunately, no child is immune from bumps, falls, and scrapes, or the tears that go with them! But even if you know a fair amount of first aid to use for many of these accidents, you might be less confident when it (more…)

Pediatric Dentist in Dallas Shares Tips on Tooth Brushing

Of all the things that are learned during childhood — from trying shoes to how to read and write — proper dental hygiene skills are among the most important. After all, little else has as big of an impact on their lifetime oral and overall health as proper brushing and flossing. Your little one should (more…)

Are X-Rays Safe? Your Pediatric Dentist in North Dallas Answers

As a parent, one of your primary concerns is the oral health of your child, which is why it’s so important to bring him or her in for regular visits to your pediatric dentist in North Dallas. Still, you have concerns about one of the aspects of these appointments – dental X-Rays. You’re wondering, “Are (more…)

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